On 31 March 2024 the SHARE Museum Development programme will close. It has been our privilege and great pleasure to serve the museums of the East of England since 2009.


Museum Development South East is the new programme for the South and East of England from 1 April 2024. It is a partnership between Norfolk Museums Service and Brighton & Hove Museums, and will continue the best practice and traditions of both SHARE and South East Museum Development, with exciting new programmes of support, development and grants.


The new MDSE website will launch shortly. In the meantime, the SHARE website will remain open to give you access to our many resources while we transfer them to the new site. Don’t forget to sign up for the new MDSE newsletter.

Sign up for the new MDSE newsletter

From Monday 1 April we will be launching Museum Development South East (MDSE), and as part of this we will be launching a new newsletter. If you would like to continue to receive information about our training, news, jobs, grants, latest programmes and guidance subscribe to our new Museum Development newsletter.

We have a growing library of free resources for museums, including reports, videos, presentations, papers and sample documents.

SERM Training

There will be a brief break in our general training offer while we launch Museum Development South East. However, SHARE’s Environmental Responsible Museums Programme will continue to host a range of environmental training from April 2024. Check out our training calendar to view the offer.

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