Digital Code of Conduct

This code has been created to help us create a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for everyone accessing and attending our digital events. We have outlined below what we expect of people, and if there is anything that you feel hasn’t been covered please contact us directly. Our definition of inclusion is defined as a ‘state of being and feeling valued, respected and supported’.

SHARE does not tolerate any form of harassment and reserves the right to remove, mute and switch off any videos throughout training sessions.

As we move our training programme online please be mindful of the following:

1.Confidentiality: any information shared within training sessions is kept within training sessions unless otherwise stated. This includes any comments or information shared in chat. SHARE reserves the right to save the meeting chat in order to write up and share with delegates any useful links provided. The chat content is then deleted. SHARE reserves the right to disable the chat function for any session. Please do not circulate any information provided after the session unless consent to this has been given by the trainer or the delegate.

2. Respect: please respect one another. Discussion is always welcomed and encouraged during our training sessions. However, we do not tolerate any aggressive or abusive language towards one another. SHARE reserves the right to remove anyone harassing other attendees during the session. Please be mindful of how others may be feeling, and try to be alert for cues that a person is uncomfortable with a conversation and respond appropriately. Throughout our training sessions you can privately message a member of the SHARE team should there be a problem.

3. Body language: please be mindful of the digital space. With training moving online, please be mindful that people may not be able to have cameras on or how people present themselves has changed. Be mindful that many delegates may experience internet problems and there may be a delay in responding to questions or conversations. We encourage people to use the hands-up and the chat functions. A member of the SHARE team will monitor and facilitate these functions.

4. Safe spaces: SHARE strives to make our training sessions inclusive and safe. In order to create a digital safe space, delegates ‘log-in’ details are only circulated to those who have signed onto the event. Participants will not be able to enter without the approval of the SHARE facilitator. This is to limit ‘Zoom bombing’ and make sure the training session is for the appropriate organisations.

5. Privacy and Safeguarding: Please respect each other’s privacy: as many people are working from home, we may be viewing their personal space. Participating in a digital space requires mutual trust. Please do not take screenshots without the consent of other participants during a training session. You do not need to have your camera on, but you may want to enable a background to your video. Any documents or slides shared during the session will be circulated by a member of the SHARE team after the session has finished.  

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