You can read our latest newsletter here, this week we covered the following:

Headline messages

  • *NEW* Data Driven Museums
  • Welcome from Sarah Sinka, Essex MDO
  • Accreditation success
  • Museums admissions research

SHARE training and events

  • How to be a Safe Museum
  • Inspiring ways to interpret your collections
  • Introduction to e-commerce
  • MEND 3 – Introduction and 1:1 advice surgeries
  • Other events coming up

External training and events

  • Museums & Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief: ‘How to’ webinar
  • Digital Culture Network: Effective Social Media
  • ACE Project Grants advice session
  • TIkTok for Arts Fundraising
  • The Wild Escape
  • Icon Skills: Essentials of Collections Care for Non-Conservators

Grant schemes and funding

  • AIM/Pilgrim Trust Collections Care Grants


  • Hard copies of Spectrum 5.1 now available

Job opportunities

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