Heritage Engineering Network: Restoring and Maintaining our Engineering Heritage

Heritage Engineering Network: Restoring and Maintaining our Engineering Heritage

HEN presents a session on preserving our engineering heritage in collaboration with LBNGR. The programme will allow time to see practical engineering restoration in action in the engine and carriage shed at Page’s Park Station, including the workshop. We will also show wagon restoration and the construction of a new carriage at the other end of the line at Stonehenge Works.  A steam hauled train will transport you to the other end of the line so that you can see various aspects of engineering preservation that happen there.

Those attending are advised to wear footwear suitable for walking in a locomotive yard, the shed and the workshop. We don’t intend you to get dirty but please be aware of the environment in which you will be spending part of the day.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided. 

If you have any mobilty issues, please inform us on the registration form.  

This event is open to all HEN members, should you wish to attend and are currently not part of the network please contact Ian Reed. 

Terms & Conditions:

 Full details of our programmes conditions can be found on our website. 

By booking a place on to SHARE Museums East Training Programme, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

  • That you are from an East of England museum or heritage organisation which is in the Arts Council England’s Accreditation Scheme. Where this is not applicable you acknowledge that so that we can aim to facilitate your attendance if we can. (This may involve a fee).

  • It is a condition of receiving this ACE funded training that the online evaluation sent to the email address provided at the point of booking is completed by the specified deadline. This deadline is in the email notification unless a paper evaluation is specifically requested and submitted on the day of the training session.

  • By booking a place you agree that you are booking as a representative of your organisation and should you cancel your booking without sufficient notice your organisation is responsible for paying the late cancellation fee of £50.


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