Object Packing Guidelines

Collected resources from our Object Handling & Packing course. Sarah Norcross Robinson (Norfolk Museums Service) and Deborah Walton (UCM).

Object Handling Guidelines

Collected resources from our Object Handling & Packing course. Sarah Norcross Robinson (Norfolk Museums Service) and Deborah Walton (UCM).

Moving Natural Sciences Collections

Assessing, packing and moving Natural Science collections to new stores: Case study -Planning the relocation of the Natural Science collections stored at the Museum Resource Centre in Ryegate Road, Colchester. Nigel Larkin, 2013.

IPM: Pest and Damage Table

From our Integrated Pest Management course. Jane Thompson-Webb (Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery), David Pinniger and Tony Irwin (Norfolk Museums Service), 2009.

Although this resource is now quite old, it is still a useful reference so we have retained it.

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